Shipping/Return Policy

All orders are processed within 2-3 business days. We ship our orders through the United States Postal Service (USPS). Once it has been processed on our end, then it will be in our carrier's responsibility to have it delivered in a timely manner. All packages are shipped as Priority Mail (1-4 business days). Processing and shipping time estimates do not account for holidays or non-business days. 

La Pica Chica Business Days: Monday through Friday.

United States Postal Service Business Days: Monday through Saturday.


You’ll receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number as soon as your order has been processed. Please allow up to 24-48 business hours for the tracking number to become active. If you receive your confirmation email after 2 PM CST on a Friday, please allow until the following Monday for tracking to become available.

If no updates are shown after one business week, please contact us so we can further look into it.


All sales are final. We do not provide exchanges and only provide refunds on a case by case bases. Any issues with an order must be addressed to us via email within 24 hours of receiving your order. 


Shipping Rates will be shown during the checkout process prior to payment. 


We do not ship overnight or offer any expedited shipping at this time.


We do not ship internationally at this time.


If a package is returned to La Pica Chica by the United States Postal Service, we can offer you to ship back your order to a new address for a shipping fee or we can initiate a subtotal refund (No refund on the shipping cost). Orders that qualified for free shipping will get the shipping fee deducted if a subtotal refund is initiated. 


We are not responsible for packages delivered incorrectly or lost due to incorrect shipping information provided by the customer at the time the order is placed.

If your package is CONFIRMED TO BE DELIVERED to your address by the USPS, we would need to wait up to 2 business days for the USPS to deliver your package after it has been marked as delivered just in case it was mistakenly scanned before putting a claim for a lost package.

If your package is nowhere to be found AFTER 2 business days, our customer must file a claim with the USPS regarding their undelivered package. This could mean they delivered it to the wrong address, wrong mailbox/parcel locker, stolen at the delivery site, etc.

This information will be provided once the customer has gotten in contact with our support team at